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Step up and Grow some

This last four weeks has been so  challenging, just when we think we are getting somewhere and we are moving forward but in tiny baby steps.

Unfortunately controlled by professionals.

We can have Hubby home for two hours one evening a week and three hours one day at the weekend this was discussed in a CIN meeting on 15th Jan. On 19th Jan SW phoned me and said she needs to disclose fully to my son, then we need to help her devise a picture safety plan( even though we have a family safety plan) which I’ve sent to her, then she wants to go through this plan with my son then to close the case after 3 years including when he was in prison you want to close the case and not monitor my child. She then said SOMU/ Visor will monitor as its because he is on a Shpo then  in 12 months if she feels it can progress she can take advice from CSC.

I’m furious we had a forensic risk assessment completed and your closing the case as there is no safeguarding issues.

We also haven’t been visited since last CIN but yesterday she turned up to see our son at school. Not had the courtesy to tell me, hasn’t spoken to me since the phone call.

Also we have taken advice from a solicitor on his Shpo at SS request first time, now I’ve spoken to Unlock and Nacro and all say there is nothing they can do to stop him coming home due to the wording OR not AND their permission.

Today I told my husband we need to stand upto them on Monday at our next CIN meeting he needs to grow a pair and ask what the risks are and can we have copies of the risk assessment they have completed to get to this decision.

And what conditions on the Shpo are they talking about which are stopping him from coming home as SW is blaming SHPO.

In one way I just want them to close the case but on the other I don’t want it closing until we have got to where we want to be.

How can there not be a safeguarding issue but he can’t come home. We have already said we want to take things slowly however we should be allowed to progress this when we feel ready.


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