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Hi S,

We want you to be aware of how uncomfortable and anxious we feel as parents living next door to someone who has been charged with child sex offences and is on the offenders register for downloading category A images of children. XXX works in child protection and we understand fully what crimes have been committed. XXX and I have been in contact with both the neighbourhood policing team and the sergeant in the sex offender unit in XXX.

We would hope that you can understand our position and the impact that finding out has had on our lives. Overnight we do not feel comfortable in our home. We are texting to ask you to respect our feelings and to not cut down any further hedges at the front or back until we have secured the finance to put proper security fencing in on our side of the boundary line. This will be at the front and back. I think this would be considerate under the circumstances. We also feel uncomfortable with all the windows being fully open every morning at the back of your property looking directly into our garden. It may be that you consider this and our point of view.

Finally please do not accept deliveries on our behalf (we have changed our settings we think on most things) and we would not want you or X coming onto our property or knocking on our door for any reason. We understand that it is not you who had committed the crime but you have chosen for X to stay in the neighbourhood and this has put a large number of families in a difficult position. There are a lot of families who are concerned and others who have contacted the police for support. We would not have known had another neighbour not shared this information and we have respected the complications sharing this on the neighbourhood group would have for you so would hope that you can consider our feelings.

Finally, we would like to know whether you and/or X intend to move before we invest a lot of money in security.

Thank you.


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Unknown member
Oct 13, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This honestly blows my mind! Im so sorry you have been put through this situation x


Sep 04, 2023
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

I am so sorry, this person has 0 empathy for you and your situation. So sorry you received this rubbish letter.


Unknown member
Aug 03, 2023

I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this person. This is the problem with the SOR. It makes people hysterical about certain people and then have no concerns at all about others who might in fact pose a massive risk!!! She hasn't gone and asked all her other neighbours to do this, how does she know what their intentions are toward children? Or indeed any person that comes into her home? Or people she meets on the street? This is the problem with media hysteria around these offences. People lose their minds and write rubbish like this. I'm so sorry you have had to deal with this, it's not ok.

Unknown member
Aug 03, 2023
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Thank you, she was always hysterical and high maintenance before my OH's offences and we knew we would have trouble with them if it came out. We'd had issues with them and didn't particularly like them as neighbours so it was no surprise that she reacted but the lengths they have both gone to have been pretty disgusting tbh


Unknown member
Aug 01, 2023

I’m reading this for the 3rd time in disbelief thinking of all the responses I would want to send, F off being one of them! I hope you did not dignify this with a response, especially the part about moving even if you are! Let them waste their money on security they don’t need 🤦🏼‍♀️. So sorry you’ve had to deal with that, things will calm x

Unknown member
Aug 03, 2023
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I didn't dignify it with a response but I did get my own back, there's more than one way to skin a cat and I'm very good at playing the long game. As much as they and some other neighbours don't like or approve of me I have it on good authority that no-one round here likes them and very few people speak to them now


Unknown member
Jul 29, 2023

Oh god, I'm so very sorry you've had to deal with this. I wish I could also hug you.


Unknown member
Aug 03, 2023
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Thank you, I wanted to share it so people could see what hysteria is caused by media exposure. When I re-read it to use in the blog I felt so angry that they had sent this to me at a point in my life where I had hit rock bottom. I'm 2 years on from this now and much stronger, I've posted my next blog installment and I didn't respond to their pathetic message, nor did I move xx

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