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Writing Strong ~ a writing group for family members

Extract from Annie Hope's Blog

Guest Blogger: Annie Hope

The Knock community members have established a writing group for the benefit of family members (age 18+) of those who have committed sexual offences. The group is called Writing Strong in tribute to Brené Brown's excellent book, Rising Strong.

The main aim of the group is to support each other to reach our writing goals (whatever they may be).

The creation of the group has been inspired by the number of family members in our community over the past three years who have a expressed a wish to put their experiences into writing.

Some don't know where to begin, some have started writing but are not really sure which direction to take with it, and some are more established but wish to explore routes to publishing (anon or otherwise). Some may already be writers and wish to explore creative avenues for writing about the Knock.

The benefit to people attending the group will be to enhance and develop their own writing skills as well as to encourage each other.

I am offering this group for no fee because I understand the dire financial situation that family members are left in following the fallout of the Knock.

This month we are delighted to be welcoming special guest Michael Sheath, author of 'Crossing the Line'

(...) You can read the full blog post and find out how to join Writing Strong here

or email for more information

Guest blogger: Annie Hope

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